Grammar Collection: Subject and Object Questions Board Game

Grammar Collection: Subject and Object Questions Board Game
When we ask a question we, usually, want to know the object. For example;

"What did she eat?"
"She ate a pie!"

The object is the answer, pie. This is an object question. But, sometimes, what we want to know is the subject of the answer. For Example;

"Who ate the pie?"
"She ate the pie."

The subject is in the answer, she. This is a subject question. Both forms of question are perfectly good, but we do use them slightly differently.

Subject and Object Questions Board (imaginatively titled I know...) gives your students a chance to practice both. Each square contains an answer, or information, they then have to form the corresponding subject question, if they roll a 1, 2 or 3, or the corresponding object question, if they roll a 4, 5, or 6. Great as controlled practice for groups of teens or even adults!